![[Editorial] Reclaiming Femininity and Coming of Age in Raw (2016)](https://images.squarespace-cdn.com/content/v1/5fe76a518d20536a3fbd7246/1682256227932-JIOADB22OIY5FF2VHBHV/image1.jpg)
[Editorial] Reclaiming Femininity and Coming of Age in Raw (2016)
In a world where our bodies are so tightly policed and our desires are shunned, it seems no surprise that there is an abundance of horror films that see women rebel and reclaim their bodily autonomy
![[For The Love Of Franchises] How Scream Changed the Representation of the Final Girl](https://images.squarespace-cdn.com/content/v1/5fe76a518d20536a3fbd7246/1671044005237-ZRE6CQ8PWZ36AAWGGZLZ/Screenshot+2022-12-14+at+18.48.26.png)
[For The Love Of Franchises] How Scream Changed the Representation of the Final Girl
If I fell into a pit of snakes, I would do
The slasher genre has married gore and sexuality in an unholy bond that has remained strong since its inception
The roots of the slasher film began in Italian giallo films of the 1960s and 1970s, well known for their innovative use of violence, gore, and sexuality in their murder mystery narratives.