[Editorial] Soho Horror Film Festival: Interview with Aimee Kuge on Cannibal Mukbang
Films that blend horror with romance always fascinate me; add a niche contemporary setting that I’ve never heard of before and I’m hooked. Cannibal Mukbang was made by Aimee Kuge, a young woman from New York, and I was privileged to spend a little time talking with her over Zoom…
![[Editorial] 10 Films & Events to Catch at Soho Horror Film Fest 2023](https://images.squarespace-cdn.com/content/v1/5fe76a518d20536a3fbd7246/1700819417135-299R7L4P0B676AD3RO1X/Screenshot+2023-11-24+at+09.41.52.png)
[Editorial] 10 Films & Events to Catch at Soho Horror Film Fest 2023
Now it’s time for Soho’s main 2023 event, which is presented over two weekends: a live film festival at the Whirled Cinema in Brixton, London, and an online festival a week later. Both have very rich and varied programmes (with no overlap this year), with something for every horror fan.
![[Event Review] Highlights from Mayhem Film Festival 2023](https://images.squarespace-cdn.com/content/v1/5fe76a518d20536a3fbd7246/1697624582491-MPT2VB9RRGU6OG7L6UKL/Mayhem+2023.jpg)
[Event Review] Highlights from Mayhem Film Festival 2023
Have I told you about Mayhem Film Festival before? It’s a favourite event of mine, so I’ve blurted about it in anticipation to many people I know. The event has just passed, so now is the time to gush its praises to those I don’t know.
![[Editorial] Mayhem Festival: Interview with Thomas Sainsbury on Loop Track (2023)](https://images.squarespace-cdn.com/content/v1/5fe76a518d20536a3fbd7246/1697186472899-WC4RR0TW7L7LMFEBGPA2/Tom+Sainsbury.jpg)
[Editorial] Mayhem Festival: Interview with Thomas Sainsbury on Loop Track (2023)
Loop Track, Thomas Sainsbury’s directorial debut, has such a sparse description that it’s really difficult to know what you’re stepping into when it starts. It’s about Ian (played by the director), who is taking a trek through the New Zealand bush….
![[Editorial] Mayhem Festival: Interview with Toby Poser and John Adams on Where the Devil Roams (2023)](https://images.squarespace-cdn.com/content/v1/5fe76a518d20536a3fbd7246/1696497252230-DC9OLP7WX6QHDI29XV08/3+shot+CU.png)
[Editorial] Mayhem Festival: Interview with Toby Poser and John Adams on Where the Devil Roams (2023)
The Adams family’s latest film, Where the Devil Roams, was a smash at Fantasia and FrightFest (where it won three major awards), and is now heading into the UK regional festivals, including my favourite, Mayhem Film Festival in Nottingham.
![[Film Review] The Seeding (2023)](https://images.squarespace-cdn.com/content/v1/5fe76a518d20536a3fbd7246/1689082878807-FMPP3HDZ0JIMR5W0YRDQ/full_SEEDING-02-Clean-16x9.png)
[Film Review] The Seeding (2023)
I love horror films set in the daylight. Sometimes stark, dry sunshine can be more chilling than darkness, and even more so when combined with the lonely expanse of a desert. Barnaby Clay’s debut feature film, The Seeding (2023), takes these elements and asks us to contemplate what it would take to survive in that environment, and what kind of people might thrive there.
![[Editorial] Interview with Ariel Baska on Access:Horror Film Festival](https://images.squarespace-cdn.com/content/v1/5fe76a518d20536a3fbd7246/1688631974126-F43FURZB4GQXTQUGEGRW/CreatureSocial_Online.png)
[Editorial] Interview with Ariel Baska on Access:Horror Film Festival
Access: Horror is “a two-day event packed full of academic panels, short films, and talks exploring and celebrating the history, impact and future of disability in the horror genre”, and as you can see from the festival’s website, the subjects under discussion and the panels alike are all rather fascinating. Earlier this week, I spent half an hour in the company of Ariel Baska, the person who came up with the idea for Access: Horror to dig into her motivation and what pass-holders might expect.
![[Editorial] Interview with Attachment (2023) Director Gabriel Bier Gislason](https://images.squarespace-cdn.com/content/v1/5fe76a518d20536a3fbd7246/1680255504233-S919UO01CG5TMN5B7A6A/image.jpeg)
[Editorial] Interview with Attachment (2023) Director Gabriel Bier Gislason
Attachment AKA Natten har øjne is a queer love story with a Yiddish and demonic twist. It’s also the first directorial feature from Gabriel Bier Gislason
![[Editorial] Interview with Mali Elfman Writer and Director of Next Exit (2022)](https://images.squarespace-cdn.com/content/v1/5fe76a518d20536a3fbd7246/1675704557768-2MKHPI64IDN5P2ZK6F9Y/ME-Headshot-Sundance.jpg)
[Editorial] Interview with Mali Elfman Writer and Director of Next Exit (2022)
There’s been quite a buzz about Next Exit since its UK premiere at Arrow Video FrightFest last year…
![[Editorial] Interview with Robbie Banfitch Writer and Director of The Outwaters (2022)](https://images.squarespace-cdn.com/content/v1/5fe76a518d20536a3fbd7246/1676648458951-UDNCCR3OJKWS3YD2X4CN/AFB93DE9-7195-49CB-BE72-58AFC8B58567%2B%281%29.jpeg)
[Editorial] Interview with Robbie Banfitch Writer and Director of The Outwaters (2022)
The Outwaters is a rare found-footage film, both beautiful and brutally wild at times. I had the privilege of grabbing some of writer/director Robbie Banfitch’s time last week, on the day The Outwaters was due in American cinemas.
![[Editorial] Interview with Nocebo and Vivarium Director Lorcan Finnegan](https://images.squarespace-cdn.com/content/v1/5fe76a518d20536a3fbd7246/1668180259585-WVIA7URJVARIEPMPIJUX/NOCEBO+PR+STILL_1.jpeg)
[Editorial] Interview with Nocebo and Vivarium Director Lorcan Finnegan
Having been blown away by Vivarium when Mayhem Film Festival screened it in 2019, I just had to find my way to talk to director Lorcan Finnegan about his new film, Nocebo (2022). It wasn’t easy, with time zones and then technology working against us, but it happened; and I must say Nocebo is a film that really deserves the effort.
![[Editorial] Interview with Don’t F*** In The Woods 2 (2022) Director Shawn Burkett](https://images.squarespace-cdn.com/content/v1/5fe76a518d20536a3fbd7246/1667290553759-M4DYB6YHYFXWUUQL8ZBF/maxresdefault.jpeg)
[Editorial] Interview with Don’t F*** In The Woods 2 (2022) Director Shawn Burkett
Sometimes when interviewing a film director, I could close my eyes and imagine we were giggling together about their work over a beer. It was pretty much like that when I met with Shawn Burkett recently to talk about Don’t Fuck in the Woods 2 (2022), which has recently been released onto VOD.
![[Editorial] Interview with Slash/Back (2022) Director Nyla Innuksuk](https://images.squarespace-cdn.com/content/v1/5fe76a518d20536a3fbd7246/1667288954494-LONS3EVBRWM8JUG8V5EK/014174_1692x952_638004883870294509.jpeg)
[Editorial] Interview with Slash/Back (2022) Director Nyla Innuksuk
Horror films set in or near the arctic are rare. We have The Thing (1982), 30 Days of Night (2007), a handful of others… and now Slash/Back (2022), set and shot in Pangnirtung, Nunavut; and if you’re not familiar with geography, that’s the Canadian territory that’s basically next door to Greenland.
![[Film Review] Isolation (2021)](https://images.squarespace-cdn.com/content/v1/5fe76a518d20536a3fbd7246/1642855327895-MHYZXNVRVY6C179TOSZY/whale.jpeg)
[Film Review] Isolation (2021)
All around the world, 2020 was the year of the pandemic; and for so many of us that also meant lockdown…
![[Film Review] Hate Crime (2012)](https://images.squarespace-cdn.com/content/v1/5fe76a518d20536a3fbd7246/1638128314529-NPYDDF4M6LUEHRR2EYL1/hate-crime-1.jpeg)
[Film Review] Hate Crime (2012)
The last review I wrote was a little difficult to get started because of how complex the film was. This one is different: Hate Crime is difficult to review …
![[Film Review] Titane (2021)](https://images.squarespace-cdn.com/content/v1/5fe76a518d20536a3fbd7246/1637505031370-MTQ3PTLOGN9F6YE4X36F/TITANE_Photo_5%C2%A9Carole_Bethuel.jpg)
[Film Review] Titane (2021)
The striking and challenging new film Titane was written and directed by Julia Ducournau; and when I left the screening last night…
![[Editorial] Interview with Demigod (2021) Writer and Director Miles Doleac](https://images.squarespace-cdn.com/content/v1/5fe76a518d20536a3fbd7246/1635170472657-SQRNKGVIJLZ0A47K0TU9/DEMIGOD_LATARA_R2+HELP+THEM+%281%29.jpg)
[Editorial] Interview with Demigod (2021) Writer and Director Miles Doleac
Demigod is a new film from Miles Doleac, about a terrifying secret awaiting a woman when she returns to her birthplace in Germany with her husband…
![[Film Review] Dashcam (2021)](https://images.squarespace-cdn.com/content/v1/5fe76a518d20536a3fbd7246/1634160820069-61VQEIFRILDCFDDBYW2N/Dashcam_Still_001+%281%29.jpg)
[Film Review] Dashcam (2021)
Jake Caul (Eric Tabach) is an editor for a New York news programme; his colleagues talk down to him and don’t seem to realise their best reports would be diminished without his technical savvy…
![[Film Review] Claw 2021](https://images.squarespace-cdn.com/content/v1/5fe76a518d20536a3fbd7246/1634105282447-F94FYKMB4P2KW2TD48HK/_Claw_+still+15+%281%29.jpg)
[Film Review] Claw 2021
How do you like your monster movies? Lots of screaming and plenty of killings, or adventure and fun?
![[Film Review] Sacrilege (2021)](https://images.squarespace-cdn.com/content/v1/5fe76a518d20536a3fbd7246/1633275642778-YOZKF5GYQHVIK6POLRJ7/Sacrilege+-+4K+Film+Still+316.jpeg)
[Film Review] Sacrilege (2021)
Four friends (of the “pretty young women” variety) take a few days break in the countryside. They don’t all get along brilliantly…