![[Film Review] After She Died (2022)](https://images.squarespace-cdn.com/content/v1/5fe76a518d20536a3fbd7246/1679140996260-UZ4QKFTNP3EO4D17KL1F/image1.jpg)
[Film Review] After She Died (2022)
After She Died joins the recently graduated Jen (Liliana Ritchie) as she tries to traverse the grief felt in the wake of her mother’s death.
![[Film Review] Candyland (2022)](https://images.squarespace-cdn.com/content/v1/5fe76a518d20536a3fbd7246/1679140253032-6HL573FHRECOF94J9R3A/image1.png)
[Film Review] Candyland (2022)
Set in the early 90’s Candyland follows a small group of truck stop sex workers, aptly named the ‘Lot Lizards’.
![[Event Review] SAW: Escape Experience Review](https://images.squarespace-cdn.com/content/v1/5fe76a518d20536a3fbd7246/1680705135898-QI07TF56KG5BCZ5ZFHZY/IMG_7822.jpeg)
[Event Review] SAW: Escape Experience Review
SAW: Escape Experience in London has recently had a gnarly freshen up (or perhaps more like a dirty up) with more immersive rooms added…
![[Film Review] Signal 100 (2019)](https://images.squarespace-cdn.com/content/v1/5fe76a518d20536a3fbd7246/1679139393086-2ZFHBURSCNBE0B3AHQU3/Image+1+%2821%29.jpg)
[Film Review] Signal 100 (2019)
Based on the manga of the same name, Lisa Takeba’s Signal 100 recalls other films
![[Editorial] 9 Modern Horror Characters Who Deserved Better](https://images.squarespace-cdn.com/content/v1/5fe76a518d20536a3fbd7246/1679155104406-ZFE163AGXOFPE4GWE3TJ/image6.png)
[Editorial] 9 Modern Horror Characters Who Deserved Better
Whether it's taking one for the team to distract the killers, being used as leverage, or making a noble self-sacrifice - it's often the case that the nicest of the nice guys do, in fact, finish last.
![[Editorial] Desire and Identity in Possession (1981)](https://images.squarespace-cdn.com/content/v1/5fe76a518d20536a3fbd7246/1680009050946-PG6I9MRIVC85Q088YPZP/images.jpg)
[Editorial] Desire and Identity in Possession (1981)
My first reaction to the title of Possession was to assume that this will be an occult film, maybe along the lines of The Exorcist.
![[Editorial] I’ve Never Been a Muse Before…’ Female Agency in Sightseers (2012)](https://images.squarespace-cdn.com/content/v1/5fe76a518d20536a3fbd7246/1680018942562-PK80HJALIZRJ54AL4XI3/image1.jpg)
[Editorial] I’ve Never Been a Muse Before…’ Female Agency in Sightseers (2012)
The film follows Tina as she leaves her mother, Carol (Eileen Davies) behind to embark on an ‘erotic odyssey’ with her new boyfriend Chris (Steve Oram)
![[Film Review] The Falling (2014)](https://images.squarespace-cdn.com/content/v1/5fe76a518d20536a3fbd7246/1678639023264-QNFEMKAJLHUTZBRGPEIY/MV5BMTc2OTcxMTYyOF5BMl5BanBnXkFtZTgwNjc5MzAwNTE%40._V1_.jpg)
[Film Review] The Falling (2014)
In The Falling, writer/director Carol Morley further explores ideas formed in her 2006 short film Madness of the Dance
![[Editorial] Is Rape Revenge Dead?](https://images.squarespace-cdn.com/content/v1/5fe76a518d20536a3fbd7246/1680009105434-RNZCWMMB2RLR6NOXZECJ/Image+1+%2823%29.jpg)
[Editorial] Is Rape Revenge Dead?
One of the most controversial subjects in horror has continued to return to the screen time and time again.
![[Event Review] Heathers The Musical](https://images.squarespace-cdn.com/content/v1/5fe76a518d20536a3fbd7246/1680007047436-5N9IC5GD86UXKMUKQMLI/Image+%281%29.jpg)
[Event Review] Heathers The Musical
This recorded performance of Heathers: The Musical from London’s The Other Palace will show for one night only in cinemas on 28th March bringing the show back to the big screen and making for some Big Fun as an experience, but with some variations that might be jarring for hardcore fans of the original.
![[Film Review] Fredheads the Documentary (2022)](https://images.squarespace-cdn.com/content/v1/5fe76a518d20536a3fbd7246/1678696260818-4Q7CX7NZB1MLW2Q2FCGN/Image%2B4%2B%252810%2529.jpg)
[Film Review] Fredheads the Documentary (2022)
I believe there is a Fredhead inside all of us and for fans of the Nightmare on Elm Street series..
![[Film Review] Ox Head Village (2022)](https://images.squarespace-cdn.com/content/v1/5fe76a518d20536a3fbd7246/1678639820167-SLP53RAEVZJO7EAVO7L1/Image%2B1%2B%252817%2529.jpg)
[Film Review] Ox Head Village (2022)
Kanon is an average girl living her life when one day her friend Ren shows her a video of three girls who went into a supposedly haunted location, one of whom went missing
![[Mother of Fears] The Search for True Love in Maleficent](https://images.squarespace-cdn.com/content/v1/5fe76a518d20536a3fbd7246/1678008203119-19PR9RAIY86IVGJE6KNS/Image+1+%2815%29.jpg)
[Mother of Fears] The Search for True Love in Maleficent
Maleficent (2014) may be a live-action Disney movie, but it also has the makings of an ideal gateway horror movie.
![[Editorial] How Repulsion (1965) Interacts with the Good for Her Genre](https://images.squarespace-cdn.com/content/v1/5fe76a518d20536a3fbd7246/1679152443118-U35BJ9HEVZOSGFT6I5XS/Image+1+%2822%29.jpg)
[Editorial] How Repulsion (1965) Interacts with the Good for Her Genre
When I first watched Repulsion (1965) I found it to be a mixture of fascinating, horrifying, refreshing, and confusing.
![[Film Review] Scream 5 (2022)](https://images.squarespace-cdn.com/content/v1/5fe76a518d20536a3fbd7246/1678091220776-N8YJOPP982A95LSIJHF8/Image+1.jpeg)
[Film Review] Scream 5 (2022)
25 years after the hit classic slasher film, Ghostface returns to torment the town of Woodsboro once again in a gruesome, gory bloodbath.
![[Editorial] Creature Features: Best 15 Horror Films with Animals](https://images.squarespace-cdn.com/content/v1/5fe76a518d20536a3fbd7246/1678720696794-B8PS00HT5PMDKY4C52FG/coke-bear.png)
[Editorial] Creature Features: Best 15 Horror Films with Animals
Throughout the horror genre, animals are used as a tool for fear (and occasionally humour), some more effectively than others
![[Film Review] Behind the Mask: The Rise of Leslie Vernon (2006)](https://images.squarespace-cdn.com/content/v1/5fe76a518d20536a3fbd7246/1677512052931-S6W699S8AF1L8KCNW3NE/Image+2+%2811%29.jpg)
[Film Review] Behind the Mask: The Rise of Leslie Vernon (2006)
The self-conscious horror film, i.e. the horror film about horror films, is something we have seen time and time again
![[Film Review] Lullaby (2022)](https://images.squarespace-cdn.com/content/v1/5fe76a518d20536a3fbd7246/1678642758809-8PKTXESZTN1K044RB5VI/image1.jpg)
[Film Review] Lullaby (2022)
Written by duo Alex Greenfield and Ben Powell, Lullaby stars Oona Chaplin as Rachel, a new mother, who unknowingly summons Lilith after singing a song from an old book.
![[Editorial] The Extremes of Motherhood](https://images.squarespace-cdn.com/content/v1/5fe76a518d20536a3fbd7246/1678697257001-RHWN3WGPILX2Z3RCIQGC/Image+1+%2820%29.jpg)
[Editorial] The Extremes of Motherhood
Depictions of mothers in horror vary but when it comes to the more extreme and disturbing side of the genre however, this is when the role of the mother is shown in a different way as the following examples show.
![[Film Review] Pearl (2022)](https://images.squarespace-cdn.com/content/v1/5fe76a518d20536a3fbd7246/1679247397642-CLYVCUHER1V1L3ETH87U/pearl-poster-2.png)
[Film Review] Pearl (2022)
Ti West has once again gifted us with a film that harks back to a very specific period of iconic cinema with Pearl